Meet Our Team
We exist to love like Christ and grow people into their purpose
Co Lead Pastors:
The concept of Co-Lead Pastors is derived from both the Gospel precedent set by Jesus in sending His disciples out in twos and the Pauline precedent set in the Book of Acts with Paul working as Co-Pastor first with Barnabas and then later with Silas. While we don't believe this is the one and only method to pastoring a Church, we've benefitted from Co-Pastoring greatly and believe strongly in the Biblical principle of being sent in twos. It's lead to greater accountability in leadership and a greater diversity of Spiritual gifts throughout our ministry. Pastor Jon and Pastor Christian have been collaborating and working together in ministry since 2012. "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17

Jon and Hannah Fegan
Lead Pastor
We've been married since 2018 and been serving the Lord since 2013. Our background has been in Leadership development, youth, young adults, and worship ministries. Hannah is a registered Nurse and Jon has an additional background in Computer Science
We love Jesus, and we love people and our desire is to show everyone how awesome God is and that a blessed life is not for perfect people, but for willing people.
We love video games and board games, eating at new places and getting to know new people.
Christian and Elise Axe
Lead Pastor
We've been married since 2019 and been serving the Lord together since 2012. With an educational background in psychology and theology, and over ten years of missional ministry experience, our goal is to have relationship with the Lord, and use our God-given talents to reach our community, help people, and heal others through the life-giving Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Gabi Schassler
Paul Fogel

Executive Pastor of Operations

Associate Pastor
Stuart Perkins
Youth Pastor/Nerd Missionary
Josh Denning
Pastor of Worship Ministries​
Ashley Shoup
Next Gen Pastor(Young Adults)